Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 1301: Basically My Favorite Conversation Ever

RUTH: Daddy, I need to tell you about something.
ME: OK, what?
RUTH: Come sit over here.  [Pats the ground in front of the gate to the Fulbright House, and we sit]  Do you know about this place? DREAMLAND! [Her eyes go wide and she spreads her hands in front of her dramatically]  It's the place where you can see anything you want to.
ME: What do you see there?
RUTH: I see... DORA!  No.  I have a little one, she doesn't understand Dora yet.
ME: What should I dream about?
RUTH: You should dream about... coming home to see me at Christmastime!
RUTH: And Channukha.

Apparently, she'd earlier had a conversation with my Dad, where she told him that she saw Mommy in Dreamland (she's been here, without Melissa, for about 2 1/2 weeks for those not following along at home).  And then she told him that he could dream about Great-Grammy (who died last year - she's been asking/talking about death a lot... it's been that kind of year).

I promise, I will fill you in on other stuff that's been happening here in Ghana soon.  She left with my parents about 2 hours ago, so I'll have nothing but time for a while.

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