Sunday, June 8, 2008

Again, More Photos

Day 52 (Saturday) - It's just all too much.

Day 52 - Rambina.
We were all very fussy from the heat, so we decided to go out to get ice cream. But, we needed a way to protect Ruth from the beating, beating rays of the sun, and her one hat that fits so far clashes horrendously with the mei tai. So, voila, Dad's ill-fated bandanna-cum-grease-rag-cum-I-don't-need-to-put-sunscreen-on-my-bald-pate-I-have-a-bandanna became Ruth's new hat. I think she looks tough.
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1 comment:

Chris said...

In the top photo, little Ruth looks like a little Sumo wrestler; her diapers seem sssoooo big!
In the bottom photo, I do appreciate Dan's sense of humorous "voice."